Mediation: Skills and Strategies

A practical guide to learning skills, strategies and techniques for effective mediation

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ISBN/ISSN: 9781927183380
Release Date: March 01, 2015
NZD$ 124.99
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ISBN/ISSN: 9781927227282
Release Date: March 01, 2015
NZD$ 124.99
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Red Titles
Release Date: March 01, 2015
NZD$ 124.99
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Product description

Mediation: Skills and Strategies focuses on the practical operation of the mediation process, with particular reference to the skills and techniques which can be used by mediators in their formal and informal roles as helper, facilitators, and supporters of decision making.

Recognising that mediation is not only an 'art'; but also a process that can be 'understood, analysed, learned, practiced and improved', the authors have developed this work to assist practitioners and students of mediation to develop the problem solving, negotiation and decision making skills that are so critical for effective mediation.

Adapted for New Zealand students and practitioners from the work Mediation Skills and Techniques by Boulle and Alexander, Mediation: Skills and Strategies complements the well regarded and comprehensive work Mediation: Principles, Process, Practice also by Boulle, Goldblatt and Green. It provides an invaluable addition to the library, learning and reference resources of current and aspiring mediators.

Each chapter contains

  • Case illustrations
  • Mediator learning (highlighting key points contained in each chapter)
  • Tasks for new mediators
  • Footnotes
  • References
  • Bibliography

Featured Authors

Table of contents

1. Chapter 1 Mediation Skills and Strategies*

2. Chapter 2 Intake, Screening and Other Preliminaries*

3. Chapter 3 Maintaining a Favourable Climate*

4. Chapter 4 Diagnosing, Defining, Designing

5. Chapter 5 Managing the Mediation Process

6. Chapter 6 Assisting the Communication Dynamics

7. Chapter 7 Facilitating the Negotiations

8. Chapter 8 Encouraging Settlement

9. Chapter 9 Variations in the Mediation Process

10. Chapter 10 Special Issues in Mediation

11. Chapter 11 Avoiding Mediator Traps

12. Chapter 12 Developing a Practice and Practising Mediation