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Hinde on Commercial Leases, 4th edition
Hinde on Commercial Leases is a modern exposition of the law relating to commercial leases and tenancies.
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Product description
Hinde on Commercial Leases, 4th edition contains the full text of Chapter 11 of the online resource Hinde, McMorland and Sim Land Law in New Zealand in one convenient volume. This fourth edition updates the content from the last edition with a specific focus on the substantive legislative changes in the Land Transfer Act 2017. It is a modern exposition of the law relating to leases and tenancies (other than residential tenancies). It provides the busy practitioner with up-to-date practical guidance when facing the many issues that may arise between landlord and tenant, with an in-depth commentary giving references to a wide range of New Zealand, Australian and English cases. References are also provided for English and Australian texts as well as periodicals.
Related Titles
• McMorland, McMorland on Easements, Covenants and Licences, 4th edition, 2019
• Finn, Todd & Barber, Burrows, Finn and Todd on the Law of Contracts in New Zealand, 6th edition, 2018
• Gibbons, A Practical Guide to the Land Transfer Act 2017, 2017
• Hinde, McMorland & Sim Land Law in New Zealand (online resource)
Table of contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to Leasehold estates
Chapter 2: Types of leases and tenancies
Chapter 3: Creation of leases
Chapter 4: Covenants, conditions, powers and obligations
Chapter 5: The Lessor’s covenants, powers and obligations
Chapter 6: The lessee’s covenants and obligations
Chapter 7: Rights of renewal and rights to purchase the reversion
Chapter 8: Extension or variation of leases
Chapter 9: Transfers and assignments of leases and reversions
Chapter 10: Subleases
Chapter 11: Mortgages of leases
Chapter 12: Remedies of the lessor during the continuance of the lease
Chapter 13: Remedies of the lessee during the continuance of the lease
Chapter 14: Determination of leases and tenancies