Guide to Competition Law, 2nd edition

An informative text for readers wanting a broader understanding of competition law, or antitrust as it is often called.

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ISBN/ISSN: 9781927313930
Release Date: March 01, 2018
NZD$ 149.99
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Product description

The authoritative title Guide to Competition Law, 2nd edition explores the nuances of New Zealand’s competition law, which finds legislative expression in the Commerce Act 1986. Competition law attempts to ensure that the market is not endangered by the aggregation of economic power, monopolistic practices or concerted anti-competitive conduct between market participants.

This text will be of use to readers who want a better understanding of the competition law framework, and at the same time will provide an excellent primary reference tool for practitioners and other professionals who need a more detailed in-depth treatment of the subject matter.



• Comprehensive commentary including changes made to the law since the last edition four years ago
• A highly experienced author team
• Retains numbering and paragraph style of the online loose-leaf to allow for ease of use for both formats


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Table of contents

Chapter 31   Scheme, administration and reach of the commerce act 1986

Chapter 32   Fundamental concepts

Chapter 33   The general prohibition section

Chapter 34   Exclusionary provisions

Chapter 35   Price fixing

Chapter 36   Taking advantage of market power

Chapter 37   Resale price maintenance

Chapter 37a   Business acquisitions