Cross on Evidence, 11th edition

The authoritative text on evidence law in New Zealand

Edited by The Honourable Justice Downs

"New edition due 2024. See pre-order page for more details."

NZD$ 99.99


Release Date: December 18, 2020
ISBN/ISSN: 9781988546384

Product description

Sir Rupert Cross hoped his work would supply “the middle place” for students and practitioners, with theoretical discussion for the former and generous case law for the latter. The New Zealand eleventh edition of Cross on Evidence builds on the foundations set by Sir Rupert, as greatly added to by Dr Donald Mathieson QC over many years. The team of authors led by the Honourable Justice Mathew Downs considers fully the Evidence Act 2006 and all material case law. The eleventh edition also discusses cognate common law developments, thereby capturing the Act in its broader context.


• Annotated Evidence Act
• Reliable commentary

Related Titles

• Casey et al Annotated High Court Rules, 4th edition (2018)
• Murray A Practical Guide to Criminal Procedure in New Zealand, 2nd edition (2016)
• Hall Sentencing Law and Practice, 3rd edition (2014)
Cross on Evidence (online resource)


Table of contents

The Evidence Act 2006 and associated commentary, taken from the Cross on Evidence looseleaf service.