Climate Change Law and Policy in New Zealand

Climate change has emerged as a new area of legal practice in New Zealand. The recent move to implement significant domestic regulation to combat climate change presents a range of new regulatory and commercial legal issues on which lawyers are being asked to advise. This is particularly the case with the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme

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ISBN/ISSN: 9781877511110
Release Date: July 01, 2011
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NZD$ 186.00
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ISBN/ISSN: 9781927149331
Release Date: July 01, 2011
NZD$ 186.00
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Release Date: July 01, 2011
NZD$ 186.00
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Product description

NZLawyer Issue #169 Review

Climate change has emerged as a new area of legal practice in New Zealand. The recent move to implement significant domestic regulation to combat climate change presents a range of new regulatory and commercial legal issues on which lawyers are being asked to advise. This is particularly the case with the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme (NZ ETS), which affects nearly every household and business in New Zealand. At the same time, the impacts and implications of climate change generally present new legal issues. Lawyers - whether in private practice or in-house - need to be aware of the issues that arise in order to advise their clients and to know when their clients need specialist legal advice.

Climate Change Law and Policy in New Zealand is written by legal practitioners, academics, economists and scientists working in the climate change field and offers a well rounded and practical perspective on both the “hard law” and the law-making context. As well as covering the NZ ETS and other regulatory initiatives in detail, it also presents the latest science of climate change, an overview of the existing international legal response, and the ongoing and fundamental influence of politics and economics on the development of New Zealand’s domestic climate change regulation. It also covers key commercial and tax issues and the possibility for voluntary action by businesses and households to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions.

An understanding of all these elements is essential for lawyers to give clients accurate, well-rounded and strategic advice in this area.

The book is intended primarily for legal practitioners, but will also be of use to students, academics and other professionals working in the area of climate change. It has been written to be accessible to all.

Climate Change Law and Policy in New Zealand General Editor, Alastair Cameron, is a Senior Solicitor at the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. Previously he was a Senior Associate at law firm Buddle Findlay, practicing public and commercial law and specialising in climate change and emissions trading.

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Table of contents

Chapter 1: The Science of Climate Change, its Potential Impacts and Global Response Options

Martin Manning and Andy Reisinger

Chapter 2: International Framework

Vernon Rive

Chapter 3: The Nature of the Problem and the Implications for New Zealand

Jonathan Boston

Chapter 4: The Economics of Emissions Trading

Peter Wilson

Chapter 5: New