Questions and Answers: Torts, 4th edition

An easy-to-read guide that helps law students consolidate their understanding of torts and prepare for exams and assignments.

NZD$ 50.00
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Release Date: October 09, 2023
ISBN/ISSN: 9781988546674

Product description

Questions & Answers: Torts provides a brief introduction to core areas of tort law and then poses a series of questions and answers to provide opportunities for students to practise answering questions. The work also outlines key issues, makes suggestions for further reading and provides examples of common pitfalls that students of tort law may encounter.

Questions & Answers: Torts has been helping students use legal material to answer tutorial, exam and practical questions with clarity and brevity. It is an invaluable aid for the efficient and successful study of law. The 4th edition will consider more recent developments such as the public interest defence to defamation, as well as updated case law.


• Provides a concise overview of core material covered in the torts law courses at NZ universities
• Provides questions, identifies key issues that students need to cover in solutions, and ‘model’ solutions
• Focus on key relevant cases
• Summary of Key issues
• Further reading suggestions
• Common pitfalls identified

Related Titles

• Brenda Midson, Questions and Answers: Criminal Law, 5th edition
• Nicholas Wood, Questions and Answers: Public Law, 4th edition
• Geoff McLay, Student Companion: Torts, 8th edition
• Simon Dorset, Student Companion: Public Law, 6th edition


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Table of contents

  • Chapter 1 – Introduction to Torts

  • Chapter 2 – Advice on Exams

  • Chapter 3 – Accident Compensation

  • Chapter 4 – Trespass to persons – assault, battery and false imprisonment

  • Chapter 5 – Land-based torts

  • Chapter 6 – Negligence

  • Chapter 7 – Advanced negligence – nervous shock, negligent misstatement and government liability

  • Chapter 8 – Defamation

  • Chapter 9 – Privacy and Intentional infliction of emotional harm